Thursday, September 9, 2010

Faces of 1-A

Here are a few photos of some of my kids... I have 36 so this is actually very few. haha (more to come later.

Cute story of the day:

I was going over sight words with my kids in flashcards before the social studies teacher came in. I was showing flashcards and then in their groups they had to say the word out loud. One card said "I" and not that many students knew that word yet. Since they don't speak english yet they dont' know a lot of common words. So after only a few knew it I was talking about how to use I and what it means.

Then one boy raises his hand and tells me in Spanish "verdad que puede decir "I" cuando alguien le golpeo tambien" -- "Also you can say "Ay" (Pronounced "I") when someone hits you"


basically people say "Ay" as a way to scream or say "Ouch" here and so he though "I" could be used the same in English! My kids are pretty cute :)

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say that I love reading about your life in Honduras. It's so exciting! Okay, I thought I had a lot of kids (29), but 36 is absolutely ridiculous. . . and first graders . . . and all in Spanish. Holy cow! Kudos to you Gracie. It seems like you are doing an awesome job with them! I can't wait to hear more about it. Take care! Te quiero mucho.
