Monday, August 9, 2010


Today was the first day of orientation and it was good to get to understand a little more of the expectations and policies for teachers. I think I will have around 35 students (!) but I am lucky because 1st grade is the only grade with a full time aide. I haven't met her yet, but she speaks spanish and is allowed to speak with the children in spanish. This is really helpful because I can then take the role of pretty much only speaking english - without having ALL of the students lost and not understanding.

The best part was going into my classroom and looking through all of my materials. There are a lot more materials left for me than I had originally thought. Everything is a little outdated, but just because it is older doesn't mean that I can't use it well. My room is very dark though and it will be very hot with 2 adults and 35 students! There is an open house on August 16th and I am very excited to meet the parents, and I'm very glad that I speak Spanish! haha.

Another good part is that even though we must turn in our plan books each week - we don't really have to write lesson plans! Instead we just can fill in the plan book and basically put the objective and what you're working on for each period. (Like 2 sentences!) This is SO much easier than my student teaching, practicums, or UNO. So it will be nice that I can actually focus on the teaching part.

In other Honduran news my roommates and I finally figured out how to turn on the gas for the stove, so we can cook now! Also, we bought the big blue jugs of water and someone even delivers it to your house. There was a giant slug on the inside of our front door and we came back and it was still there. The power sometimes just goes out, they said it happens a lot more when it rains so last night the power just went out which means no air conditioning or fans. Yesterday we went on a hike and saw a pet monkey (it had a leash on it's neck :( Overall the hiking was really intense though and it was way too hot for me!


  1. Grace,
    It sounds wonderful not writing out long lesson plans! WE know that with your creative ways that you will be able to use the "outdated" materials with an updated, more modern twist and the children will learn! Try and keep cool, drink lots of the water out of the blue jugs, and last but not least, do not get a pet monkey! ha ha!

  2. I also have a lot more materials than I thought I would! The teacher before me was a packrat... bad in the sense that now one week before school starts I have an unbelievable amount of sorting and cleaning to do, but I'm also relived that I have my pick of teaching supplies! I haven't encountered any slugs yet, but I do have a giant moth residing just out of reach in my bathroom! :\

  3. Hopefully it's not like Jr/Sr Scholars where they keep adding kids to your class lol. There's no air in the building? Ugh. I want to see a picture of the stove to see why it was so difficult! That sounds funny. Josselin's family had a pet monkey when she was younger. No one believes her when she says that up here, but she even has a picture! She says it like someone up here would say, I have a dog. So I guess it's fairly common. Might help you fit in down there! Haha, just kidding Grace's parents, I'm not encouraging Grace to get a monkey!

  4. Hey how's it going today? Did you get the meet your aide?

  5. How exciting! You'll be great! I have 32 students on my list, and only 27 desks in my rooom. Slight problem, eh? Hopefully I can get more.
